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Brenthel Industries

Brand Information

Vehicle Builder

Brenthel Industries Logo Illustration

Unlimited Truck (4WD) Drivers

#03 Michael Scafuto

Huntington Beach, CA

Unlimited Truck (2WD) Drivers

#6 Dan Myers

Santa Ana, CA

#67 Paul Kraus

Chatsworth, CA

#86 Keith Smith

Torrance, CA

Unlimited Truck SPEC Drivers

#203 Philip Carlsson

Fort Lauderdale, FL

#204 Maxime Losier

Blainville, QC

#207 Nick May

Las Vegas, NV

#210 Louis Horschel

Springville , NY

#212 Paul Kraus

Chatsworth, CA

#231 Bill Cain

Madisonville, LA

#233 Josh Horschel

Springville, NY

#242 Alex Pratt

Niles, MI

#246 James Scully

Long Beach , NY

#249 Sam Berri

Murphys, CA

#255 Kirk Harkey

Riverside, CA

#262 Lincoln Day

Lighthouse Point, FL

#269 Cj Faison

Felton, DE

#273 Jordan Brenthel

Temecula, CA

#274 Shane Lewis

Jupiter, FL

Unlimited Truck Legends Drivers

#L22 Robert Malone

Durango, CO

#L23 Luis Saenz

El Paso, TX

#L53 Wade Porter

Durham, CA

#L99 Shawn Runyon

Hilliard, OH

Pre-Runner Class Drivers

#262 Lincoln Day

Lighthouse Point, FL

#274 Shane Lewis

Jupiter, FL

Open Sportsman Drivers

#8153 Wade Porter

Durham, CA

Youth 170 Production Drivers

Pro2 Drivers

#78 Ricky G

Garden Grove, CA

Looking for More?

Check out the UNLTD Drivers page to see more drivers or the UNLTD Classes page to see the specs, rules, and drivers for each vehicle class.

Drivers Classes