Brands > Vehicles: Brands are tied to vehicles, based on the vehicle information submitted by the Driver of Record during race registration.
Points Allocation: After each race, manufacturers receive the same number of points the Driver of Record is awarded in their Class Points Championship. Manufacturer points will be allocated to the top 20% of participants in each championship class.
Points Allocation Example: To clarify this process, here’s how it might work: If there are 20 participants in a class, the top 20% would be 4 positions. Points will be awarded from racers finishing 1st-4th finishing positions. If the result is not a whole number in all instances (e.g. 6.1, 6.5 or 6.8), the points allocation will round UP (e.g., 7).
Minimum Entries: A class must have a minimum of 3 entries in order for a manufacturer to be awarded points.
2025 UNLTD Shock Manufacturer Championship (Car/Truck Category) Classes:
Unlimited Truck (2WD, 4WD, Legends), Class 1 and Unlimited Truck SPEC.