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X Comp Tires

Brand Information

Tire Manufacturer

X Comp Tires specializes in Light Truck, UTV, High Performance, and Golf Cart applications. Whether you are off-roading, trail riding, utilizing a track day or on the golf course, X Comp Tires has you covered! Founded in 1982, we are a well-respected leader in the tire industry. Learn more at xcomptires.com or come shop direct at shopxcomp.com.

X Comp Tires Logo Illustration

Unlimited Truck SPEC Drivers

#288 Andre Laurin

Concord Canada, ON

UTV Pro Drivers

#P902 Parker Christian

Newport Beach, CA

R900: Pro Modified UTV Drivers

#M4999 John Meek

Johnson Valley, CA

Class 1450 Drivers

#1472 Eric Conner

El Cajon, CA

UTV Stock R Modified Drivers

Open Sportsman Drivers

#8171 Chad Allender

Pleasant Hill, CA

Class 11 Drivers

Looking for More?

Check out the UNLTD Drivers page to see more drivers or the UNLTD Classes page to see the specs, rules, and drivers for each vehicle class.

Drivers Classes