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Timing & Scoring Transponders

Transponders are used for recording lap times and are mandatory for all classes.

Transponders are rentals (included in your entry fee) and must be returned after the race.

Where/When do you receive your transponder?
Race Registration

Where/When do you return your transponder? RacingTrax (Located in the finishers corral before the stage)

Transponder Security Deposit (Hold):

If you are unable to return your transponder onsite, the return shipping address for transponders is:

Transponders Shipment:

UNLTD Off-Road Racing
Attn. Kilian Hamlin (TP)
29755 Kirsten Lane
Vista, CA 92084

Transponder late fees: If you do not return your transponder onsite, your $200 hold will turn into a charge.
