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UNLTD Off-Road Racing Guest Media Guidelines

Welcome to UNLTD Off-Road Racing! Safety for our viewers, racers, volunteers, TV production crew, event staff, and media is paramount at UNLTD Off-Road Racing events. The following Media Guidelines are being provided to you to ensure that you understand your obligations as a credentialed member of UNLTD Off-Road Racing.

Media Point of Contact
Christy Melville

If you have any questions not answered here please contact media@unlimitedoffroadracing.com.

Media Credentials are required to shoot on any part of the race course during UNLTD Off-Road Racing events. You do not need credentials to shoot any of event festivities, however you may need a film permit if you choose to shoot in other areas of the city. Media access to UNLTD Off-Road Racing events is a privilege, not a right, and your access can be revoked at any time. The BLM and UNLTD Off-Road Racing Staff reserve the right to remove credentials onsite if any policies or procedures, safety or otherwise, are violated.

Media Credential Request Application:

Each individual requesting media credentials needs to fill out a Media Credential Request Application. If you are a media group, a request application must be filled out for each individual. You can register your entire team by selecting how many media you need to register at the registration link and entering each individuals information.

A Media Credential Request Application is required to be filled out for each event.

Age Requirements:

You must be 18 years of age or older to be credentialed by UNLTD Off-Road Racing. No exceptions.

Media Classifications:

There are two classes of media at UNLTD Off-Road Racing:

  1. UNLTD “Staff” television film crew and photographers – The Staff film crews have additional access to areas NOT permitted to Guest Media. “Staff” vest holders shall have the authority to request that Guest Media move if they are deemed to be unsafe, or obstructing television cameras’ view of the race course. Please do not block the Live Stream cameras.
  2. “Guest Media” – Includes any/all media who are pre approved professionals credentialed by UNLTD Off-Road Racing wearing a Guest Media vest. Guest Media may be asked to move from a specific location for any reason by BLM personnel, and/or UNLTD Off-Road Racing Staff. Media credentials may be revoked (with no refund due), for any reason at any time including but not limited to: unprofessional behavior, unsafe behavior, and/or ignoring the requests of safety workers and/or BLM.

UNLTD Off-Road Racing TV / Film Crew shall have the authority to request that Guest Media move if they are deemed to be unsafe, or obstructing television cameras view of the race course. Please do not block the Live Stream cameras.

Credential Fee:

The cost for media credentials is $250 per credential. We require all media to pay for their credential fee as part of the application process. UNLTD Off-Road Racing will review all credential requests and we reserve the right to approve or deny any application. Submitting a media credential request does not guarantee media credentials:

If you are an accredited media news outlet, please contact media@unlimitedoffroadracing.com to submit samples of your work and a letter of assignment to cover the event at no charge.

Once you are approved for Media Credentials:

Details on how to obtain your credentials onsite and the mandatory media safety meeting will be sent out when/if your application is approved. You must show a valid government issued ID to receive your credentials.

At onsite check in, you will be issued the following identifications. You must show a valid government-issued ID onsite to receive your credentials. They may not be picked up by a third party, including a representative of your group. At the time of credential pickup you will be issued:

  • (1) “Guest Media” Credential – This is to be worn around your neck at all times.
  • (1) Off-Road Racer “Guest Media” Vest – You will keep this vest and use this vest for all future UNLTD Off-Road Racing events. If you lose this vest, you will be charged a $50 replacement fee at the next event. No media will be allowed to wear personal vests.
  • (1) Waiver Wristband – This is to be worn around your wrist at all times.
  • (2) Media Placards – Please display your supplied media vehicle placards on the front and rear windshield of your vehicle at all times.

All media personnel must wear the proper identifications to access any UNLTD Off-Road Racing race course, including Qualifying. Failure to do so will result in revocation of your media credentials and you will be required to leave the course. This is a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) requirement AND IS NOT OPTIONAL. When you enter the media areas ALL persons in your vehicle must be credentialed media.

  • UNLTD Off-Road Racing Release Waiver – Each individual approved for media credentials must sign the required the specific event's Release Waiver before credentials will be issued. Please bring a government issued photo ID with you. This can also be signed ahead of time.
  • UNLTD Off-Road Racing Editorial / Team License Agreement – Each individual approved for media credentials must sign UNLTD Off-Road Racing Editorial / Team License Agreement in person before credentials will be issued. Media licensing is strictly enforced at this event. You are NOT being granted a commercial license.

Click here to read our UNLTD Off-Road Racing Editorial / Team License Agreement.

License Agreements & Policies:

  • Our races/events are no different than NASCAR, NFL, or F1. ALL images, including video, must be licensed to be used.
  • We do not charge a licensing fee to media outlets covering the race, or to teams promoting their race performance.
  • Any company promoting a product/service using images from our races, must have a commercial license from us.
  • Social media platform rules about sharing content do NOT circumvent US Copyright and Trademark laws.

The names, images, likenesses, and all photos and video footage captured at these races are the exclusive property of Unlimited Off-Road Racing (UNLTD). They may not be used, co-opted, co-branded, sold, transferred, copied, shared, re-shared, re-posted, or used regardless of any social media platform sharing policies without a license from Unlimited Off-Road Racing. If you or a client of yours requires a Commercial License, please contact us prior to the event. Any company that uses the names, images, likenesses, and/or photos and/or video footage from the events without permission will automatically be billed a commercial license fee. Additionally, legal action may be taken that includes, but is not limited to, reporting the offending companies for copyright and/or trademark infringement. Please contact us about commercial licensing PRIOR to the events by emailing Matt Martelli at matt@madmedia.com.

Click here to read our UNLTD Off-Road Racing Editorial / Team License Agreement.

There is absolutely NO flying of radio controlled “drones”, “quadcopters”, or “helicopters” at UNLTD Off-Road Racing by Guest Media. This is in keeping with BLM regulations, San Bernardino County and FAA requirements. Our insurance will not allow it. California 300 STAFF will be flying their drones – that is not a signal you can fly yours. Don’t do it.

The possession of alcohol or drugs by Guest Media, or being intoxicated while in the restricted area at UNLTD Off-Road Racing is strictly forbidden. It is a federal crime to be in possession of marijuana on BLM managed land, including The California 300 racecourse and restricted areas. No exceptions.

In the interest of fairness to all race teams, no race team personnel are eligible for Media Credentials allowing them access to the racecourse. Race team members may NOT leave the designated pit areas to photograph or film the race. Competitor team members may NOT leave the designated pit areas to document the race – doing so will result in time penalties. Your sponsors may not repost, reshare, or reupload video and photos of you at UNLTD Off-Road Racing for the purpose of marketing their products and services without a commercial license from us. If you’re concerned or confused about this call us! We’re happy to help.

To operate a helicopter, you must pre-register them here: www.unlimitedoffroadracing.com/helicopters. There is a mandatory helicopter pilots safety meeting. Details regarding the mandatory helicopter safety meeting will be sent out closer to the event. Attendance will be taken. We will review safety guidelines, discuss media rights, and offer suggestions for shooting locations. You must be credentialed to attend this meeting.

Safety and Best Practices for Photographers and Videographers:

Please select an event to fill out a Media Credential Request Application for:
