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UTVUnderground.com HAT GIVEAWAY!

July 9, 2012

We got a couple extra hats we want to giveaway and we want YOU, the members of UTVUnderground.com to get one! We are going to give away 2 hats and you have 2 chances to win. Here's how: 1. We are giving 1 hat away via the forum. To win you must REGISTER at UTVUnderground.com then POST up "I WANT THE HAT" in this thread: http://www.utvunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?p=107062#post107062 2. Win another hat via our Facebook page by LIKING our page here: http://facebook.com/utvundergroundfanpage and sharing this photo: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=421956824522016&set=a.166501156734252.44332.147928441924857&type=1&theater We will pick a winner for each on this FRIDAY so get to posting and sharing!!!