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Rising - Team Dynamic Racing

June 25, 2020
Off Road Racer Staff

Rising is our new series that features the stories of up and coming race teams. Off-Road racing is made up of a diverse group of people from different cultures, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds all with one thing in common… their passion for off-road racing.

Off-Road racing is not just a male dominated sport, it is perhaps the most masculine motosport on the planet. Yet due to the rise of the UTV’s, more women have joined the fray to prove that they too can compete for the same validating reward that men seek. As unlikely as it is for women to find the testosterone driven sport appealing, it is even more unlikely for a teenage girl from a remote island off of Italy to begin a journey following her passion for rally racing which would inevitably lead her to off-road racing. Meet Christine GZ and Luy Galán, they are proof that Women can compete in off-road racing at the highest level.

Directed by The Martelli Brothers

Produced by Mad Media

Rising - Team Dynamic Racing
