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Hold Fast: Support who Supports You!

March 23, 2020
Off Road Racer Staff

Hold Fast is a nautical term that has its origins from the Dutch word “houd vast” which translates to “Hold Tight” in regards to holding securely to ships, ropes and rigging during a storm. Throughout history, sailors have tattooed this term onto themselves, including their knuckles, to remind them that they can get through any storm as long as they all hold together. When you can rely on the man or woman next to you, you are all strengthened. Hold Fast, be responsible, stay true and you will not only survive the storm, you will be stronger because your experience has strengthened you and your people, creating true cultural resolve.

Vote With Your Dollar

More than ever, every dollar you spend can make a difference. Support the thousands of businesses that comprise off-road racing. Support the non-endemic brands that support off-road racing. If everybody does this not only will we survive. Off-Road racing is global and affects hundreds of billions of dollars globally. What we do has set trends around the world for over 50 years now. We can come out of this challenge united, better organized, and stronger than ever before. Stay at home and prep your car. Racing will resume shortly and we could see unparalleled car counts and growth as racing resumes.

We Are Built For This

Off-Road racing is a war simulation. This culture was founded by veterans who came home from war and frankly were bored. They inadvertently built a war simulation that works as a great ongoing cultural experiment to test yourself, your friends, and your family to see if you can work together to get a race car to the finish line. It’s really a polite way of getting in a fist fight or gang war. It’s your gang vs. my gang vs. everybody else gang. The outcome is distilled down to who and what you can depend on. You find out what you and your people are made of. Facing Covid-19 is just another race. We know how to operate on rations of food and water. We know how to communicate without cell phones. We know how to travel long distances quickly without issue.  Most importantly we know how to work together as a team to accomplish a single task.

Take this time to hold your family and friends close and realign what is important to you. Vote with your dollar. We will weather the storm.
