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Art of the Rebelle presented by Pirelli 

June 29, 2023
Off Road Racer Staff

Grit DETERMINATION A picture is worth a thousand words. That idea that advertising executive, Fred R. Barnard coined has never been more true than today. With the rise of the internet, social media, and cheaper access to good equipment we have democratized photography. That’s a good and a bad thing. While it has given more people opportunities it has clogged all visual channels with shity photography devoid of composition, and any forethought or meaning. So when really good photography comes along it deserves extra attention and praise. Admittedly I am totally biased but when you have to drive hundreds of miles, hike, sweat, and even destroy your equipment in the dirt I think the process acts like a distillate of bullshit and forces you to only put forward powerful imagery because you are not going to go through all of that for a medicore shot. It better be damn good. Misc Birds Eye Vehicles RT [gallery size="medium" ids="397887,397886,397868"] Art of the Rebelle The Rebelle Rally recently hosted “The Art of the Rebelle “ at The Motoring Club in Santa Monica. An exhibit that showcased the best photographs from the past seven years of rallies along with some of the rally vehicles appetizers, beverages, and DJ Tessa spinning tunes creating the perfect relaxed vibe. The event brought together racers, sponsors, staff, as well as various luminaries of the off-road industry. Vehicles Volkswagen Art of the Rebelle glen harris I had already seen many spectacular images from the Rebelle Rally online and on social media, but seeing them in person allowed me to pause and really look at some of these stunning shots printed and mounted on a wall as they should be. I really feel strongly that good photos should be printed and viewed as larger prints rather than on your phone confined to pixel prison. Rebelles Syndiely Art of the Rebelle Founder and director of the Rebelle Rally Emilly Miller and her team did a great job of finding photographers who value the opportunity to shoot in such a visually rich environment. The photography did not disappoint as I found myself gazing deeply into many of the shots wanting to be there in that captured moment. The photography beautifully illustrated the struggle of the competitors are going through juxtaposed with the stunning harsh beauty of the mighty Mojave desert. A contrast that I find absolutely seductive, the brutal beauty calling out to be humbled once again.  Landscapes CA Death Valley “The imagery from the Rebelle is carefully curated to capture the art of the competition and we are very fortunate to work with some of the greatest content collectors. Our goal through our visuals is to honor all those who are a part of the Rebelle Rally, and Art of Rebelle is a great way to bring it to those who might otherwise not grasp the depth and breadth of this extreme challenge and exceptional community,” commented Miller. Misc Night Shot Competition vehicles, photos and a 20’ projection wall showcased the challenge, soul and depth of what the rally truly is to those who haven’t seen it up close in- person in the remote locations the rally traverses. DJ Tessa, who oversees a collective of Los Angeles’s best female DJs, set the vibe while guests took it all in and spoke at length with competitors. Art of the Rebelle dJ tessa [gallery size="medium" ids="397838,397896,397864"] The photographers featured are: Regine Trias Nicole Dreon Heather Lewis Paolo Baraldi Tim Sutton Tim Calver Richard Giordano If you missed the event fear not as the success of this event will guarantee more Art of the Rebelle events. I am also told that all of these printed will be for sale shortly rebellerally.com. Navigation Over the Shoulder So pull those shitty inspirational prints off your wall and put up some powerful imagery that celebrates the struggle and the beauty of The Rebelle Rally!  