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Will the new San Quintin Municipality bring issues to Off-Road?

Feb. 18, 2020
Off Road Racer Staff

Last week the government of Baja California made official the birth of a new municipality of San Quintin, dividing Ensenada in two completely different entities. Now we ask, will SCORE International and the local leagues CODE and RECORD take advantage of the situation or is it the other way around?

A little bit of background, Baja California was divided into 5 municipalities (Mexico doesn't use Counties like the US do) Mexicali (capital), Tijuana, Tecate, Rosarito and Ensenada, this last one was the biggest in land area 51,952.3 km² and it is where the heart of Off-Road lays.

This is the current map until 2024 where San Quintin becomes the 6th Municipality in Baja

San Quintin will take "half" of the Ensenada land, 32' 883.92 km2 to be exact, towns and popular Off-Road spots like San Quintin (obvious), Camalú, San Telmo, El Rosario, Cataviña and Bay of LA are now part of San Quintin city.

San Quintin area is in purple. Source: plexmx.info

But what does this mean for us 'Baja lovers'?

If you're a racer or an adventurer probably not much will be different but for the race organizations specially SCORE-International and RECORD things will change. They will have to deal with two different city governments instead of just Ensenada which could be a 'doble-edge sword' specially to SCORE who had their main races The Baja 500 and 1000 in exactly that area.

The good news is that San Quintin will enter as new entity by 2024 which means the cities and race organizations have 4 years to figure it out new deals to keep racing in our beloved Baja, just in time for what it supposed to be the next peninsular Baja 1000 race, just sayin'.
