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Rusty Butcher Racing Takes Over The Mint 400!

March 14, 2023
Off Road Racer Staff

We did it! Finally I was able to come home with the win at The Mint 400! One of the oldest races left in the USA and after 4 long years of trying I was able to get the Harley across the finish line first with no issues! This year alone we had a record number of 8 Harleys finish this gruesome 120 mile off-road race. All four of the Rusty Butcher boys finished as well! This year there was a record number of 8 Harleys that finished this race. Our normal finisher rate is 3-4 bikes every year with about 15-20 entries. People are figuring out how to build the bikes to last these long off-road races! Congrats to everyone who was out there. [gallery columns="2" size="medium" ids="331362,331361"] deacbadceeffabbfcdec We have stated before to finish this race is like a badge of honor. To get this medal is something you earned heavily. Riding a Harley this long in the desert is mental and physical battle. Just like the back of finishing metal says... "Respect is earned one mile at a time". I hope the Hooligan class grows each year and if you have any questions on how to get involved or building your bike shoot the @RustyButcherRacing instagram a DM! LAST CHANCE SALE ENDS TONIGHT 25% off entire order
Use code: raceweek at checkout, or click the link to automatically apply the discount to your order.
