Racer Profiles: Jeff Harmonson’s Journey into the Desert...Started in the Forest
Jeff Harmonson's journey into the world of racing is a testament to the transformative power of passion and the unwavering support of a tenacious crew. Unlike many who start their dirt expeditions in their youth, Jeff's story began in high school, where he and his buddies would venture into the mountains, exploring the trails. From those early days of hiking around the forest to riding dirt bikes and side-by-sides, his experience evolved over the years, gradually immersing him deeper into the vibrant off-road community.
In 2020, after lending a hand to a trophy truck team at the BITD Parker 425, Jeff finally felt the irresistible pull to compete himself. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of his racing career, prompting him to acquire a Class 7 truck as well as a Can-Am X3, setting the stage for his foray into the desert.
Throughout his journey, Jeff found inspiration in the professionalism of big names like Concrete Motorsports, whose commitment to excellence served as a guiding light for him. But it was within his own squad, Twisted Monkey Racing, where Jeff discovered the true meaning of camaraderie and collaboration.
Led by his mentor in life, Jim Richards, the cadre embodied the spirit of perseverance and determination, traits that would prove invaluable both on and off the track.
[gallery columns="2" link="file" size="large" ids="535323,535322"] Jeff's pre-race rituals are a reflection of his focused mindset and the solidarity within his troupe. From enjoying a snack of salami and cheese for quick fuel to cranking up AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" to get into the zone, Jeff's protocols serve as tools to prepare him for the long, rough road ahead.