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Off-Road Racing Sponsorship 101. Part 8: Identity

Sept. 10, 2020
Off Road Racer Staff

You need to create a professional brand image (Name & Logo) for your team if you expect to get sponsorship. If you name your team “Jack Ass Racing” you’re not going to be perceived as professional. Spending money on a good name and logo is key. If you are going to base your identity on your name then realize you will be the one that has to not only win races,  but be at every poster signing, baby kissing, glad handing event that your sponsors require. Think about all the uses that your logo will have to work on; The side of a vehicle, team uniforms, stickers, etc.

sheldon creed logo
robby woods logo
mcmillin racing logo stacked
mcmillin team shirts two up
mad media off road racer banner

It doesn’t matter whether you race a Class 1, Trophy Truck, Class 10 or a UTV, you can get sponsored! Getting sponsors for your off-road racing program requires time and effort, but it’s not impossible to find a company to sponsor your race car. Check back weekly, we’ll be sharing sponsorship best practices from veteran off-road racers and industry experts.
